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Speaking Thai (A1)
For Beginners

Sample Lesson

​Course Descriptions: Speaking Thai Level 1  (A1)


What You’ll Learn: 

Upon completing this course, you will be able to speak basic Thai language structures commonly used in daily conversations such as self-introduction, shopping, ordering food, telling time, asking and giving directions, and more.


You can effectively communicate with Thai people by formulating questions and answers in Thai. Additionally, you will gain an understanding of Thai culture, which will enable you to use the language appropriately in different social situations.


Group class: 20 hours

Private class: approx 20-25 hours



Lesson Plan


Introduction to the Thai Language

  • The characteristics of the Thai language

  • Thai pronunciation (consonant sounds, vowel sounds, and tones)

  • 5 Thai phrases you should know!

  • Classroom useful phrases

A1.1 (Unit 1-5)

Unit 1: Introduction Oneself

  • Basic Thai greetings with cultural insight

  • Introduce oneself

  • Pronouns

  • How to make and answer the question: “What? - อะไร /arai/”


Unit 2: My Family

  • Vocabulary: family members

  • Thai family culture

  • Making possession with “ของ /khǎwng/”

  • How to make and answer a yes-no question: “Or not? - ไหม /mái/”


Unit 3: Verbs

  • Vocabulary: useful verbs

  • Helping verb for continuous: “กำลัง /gamlang/”

  • Making negative structure: “ไม่ /mâi/”

  • Telling ability with “ได้ /dâai/” and “ไม่ได้ /mâi dâai/”

  • Making a question with “ได้ไหม /dâai mái/”


Unit 4: Feelings

  • Vocabulary: feelings

  • How to ask “How is…?” in Thai

  • How to express your feeling in Thai with “มาก /mâak/,” “นิดหน่อย /nít-nàwi/” and “ ไม่…เลย /mâi…leei/”

  • The conjunctions: “when - เวลา /wee-laa/,” “but - แต่ /dtàae/ and “because - เพราะ /práw/”


Unit 5: Days and Time

Part 1

  • 7 days in a week with cultural insight

  • Counting numbers

  • How to ask and answer the question: “What date…? - วันที่เท่าไร /wan tîi tâo-rài/”

Part 2

  • Telling time with cultural insight

  • How to ask: “What time is it now? - ตอนนี้กี่โมงแล้ว /dtaawn níi gìi mohng láaeo/”

  • How to ask and answer the question: “What time do you…? - …กี่โมง /gìi mohng/”

  • Vocabulary: daily activities

  • Parts of the day

  • How to ask and answer the question: “Which parts of the day…? - …ตอนไหน /dtaawn nǎi/”


A1.2 (Unit 6-10)

Unit 6: Weather and Seasons

  • Giving expression with “จัง /jang/”

  • Vocabulary: adjectives

  • 12 months in a year

  • Holidays and festivals

  • Seasons

  • Making sentences with “the most - ที่สุด /tîi-sùt/”

  • Comparision: “than - กว่า /gwàa/”

  • Vocabulary: the weather


Unit 7: Food and Drinks

  • Ordering food with “ขอ /khǎaw/”

  • Decoding Thai food with cultural insight

  • Vocabulary: Thai food, ingredients, ways of cooking, taste, Thai fruits, drinks, kitchen utensils and containers

  • Special request: “add - ใส่ /sài/” and “don’t add - ไม่ได้ /mâi sài/”

  • Special request something with “ขอ…หน่อย /khǎaw…nòi/”

  • Culture: having food with Thais


Unit 8: Shopping

  • How to ask and answer the question: “How much? - เท่าไร /tâo-rài/”

  • Vocabulary: Clothing

  • Classifiers

  • How to ask and answer the questions: how many? - กี่… /gìi…/”

  • Determiner words that are used with a classifier: “this - นี้ /níi/” and “that - นั้น /nán/” 

  • Useful phrases about shopping


Unit 9: Around the City

  • Telling the location with “อยู่ /yùu/”

  • Asking the location: “where is…? - อยู่ที่ไหน /yùu tîi-nǎi/”

  • Vocabulary: places

  • Prepositions

  • Read maps


Unit 10: Directions

  • Telling a driver the destination

  • Giving directions to a driver

  • Vocabulary: ways to go, on the road, and vehicles

  • How to ask and answer the question: “How to go from A to B? - จาก A ไป B ไปยังไง /jàak A bpai B bpai yang-ngai/”

  • Telling direction

  • Asking the way: “how to go to…? - …ไปยังไง /…bpai yang-ngai/”

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Tel: +66 63035 9911

LINE: @thaibychom

Hours:  09.00 - 17.00

Timezone (GMT +07:00) Bangkok,Thailand

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